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青青青青青青草 91视频免费观看 正片


风月片[青青青青青青草 91视频免费观看]详情介绍

影片名称:青青青青青青草 91视频免费观看
入库更新时间:2020-07-08 02:21:15
拉德利·梅茨格导演执导的《青青青青青青草 91视频免费观看》,于1975年上映便获得了非常好的评价,该片是由Darby,Lloyd,Rains,Levi,Richards,玛丽·斯图亚特,Alan,Marlow等参与主演的一部不错的英语风月片。
Darby版青青青青青青草 91视频免费观看剧情: Back in 1969, the editorial staff of Newsday magazine was amazed and appalled that writers like Harold Robbins and Jacqueline Susann dominated the bestseller lists with their trashy tell-all "romans à clef", so they decided to do them one better with each reporter contributing a chapter of escalating outrageousness to what was to become "Naked Came the Stranger", a saga both saucy and soapy attributed to fictitious "Penelope Ashe". Ironically, it outsold many of the competitors it sought to send up, sales figures barely influenced even once the hoax was exposed.Almost immediately, rumors of a possible movie adaptation began to circulate but even at the height of "Porno Chic" it remained most unlikely that it would eventually wind up as the second hardcore project for respected erotic auteur Radley Metzger a/k/a "Henry Paris" following his well-received though unflinchingly explicit THE PRIVATE AFTERNOONS OF PAMELA MANN. Perhaps with an eye towards mainstream acceptance of a film form he had largely embraced because it was what the domestic adult movie marketplace at least demanded, an illusion all too cruelly exposed as such once the genre shifted towards home video a mere decade later, Metzger toned down the level of graphic detail on this occasion. As compensation, he lavished more time and attention on the central characterizations of radio talk show hosts William and Gillian ("Billy & Gilly") Blake, sort of a '70s Nick and Nora Charles whose sparkling repartee considerably enlivens their extra-marital erotic encounters.As with all of his full color penetration films, Metzger wrote the screenplay under his usual "Jake Barnes" porn pen name, truly outdoing himself with a plethora of genuinely witty one liners that echo the sophisticated brilliance of an Ernst Lubitsch or Billy Wilder comedy classic of which this is as close an approximation as the adult genre could ever hope to achieve. Thankful for an opportunity to show off more than their physical prowess, Darby Lloyd Rains and Levi Richards rise to the occasion beautifully. Already something of an industry veteran by 1975, Rains was one of the finest early adult actresses and has never been better. Her mimed shock when she catches her husband sticking it to his secretary Phyllis (a delightfully dizzy Mary Stuart) on a daily basis, which naturally evolves into arousal and a staircase solo both sexy and extremely funny, is absolutely priceless.Their New York morning show a smash hit, Billy and Gilly appear the perfect couple to all who know them. Once she learns of her husband's frequent infidelity with his "Love Bunny" (a term of endearment which provides the movie with one of its best running gags), Gillian decides that what's good for the gander might also benefit the goose and embarks on a sexual spree within their circle of jet set friends and casual acquaintances. Tied together by a masked ball where all characters mingle, these various episodes of planned seduction supply the movie with most of its, albeit fewer than the industry norm, accomplished sex scenes. Particularly memorable is Rains' orally servicing of Alan Marlow (the vile womanizer who was to forced to return to earth Post Mortem AS Rains in Roberta Findlay's ANGEL NUMBER 9 !) as harried investment banker Marvin Goodman for whom time equals money on a double decker bus actually whizzing through the streets of the Big Apple ! Upper-crust bosom buddy Taylor (well-played by Gerald Grant, who juggled legit stage work with excursions into bisexual erotica, including Metzger's SCORE and Jerry Douglas' BOTH WAYS, thereby presumably scratching a personal itch) provides Gillian with a shoulder to cry on when she decides enough's enough and briefly flees her homestead. In a refined silent movie spoof, he wines, dines and romances her in glorious black and white with silly inter-titles attempting to put a sophisticated spin on Gilly's blunt come-on (read her lips !), switching back to color by the time they reach the bedroom stage.Saving the best for last, Gillian moves in on her husband's object of affection, circling around the feckless Phyllis as she dances alone in an empty swimming pool, another arresting image in a film fairly rife with them. Their slow Sapphic exploration provides the sexual showstopper and leaves the young girl hopelessly in love with her erstwhile paramour's betrothed. Conveniently quitting the scene rather than remaining the couple's dirty little secret even while switching camps, Phyllis leaves Billy and Gilly to kiss and make up. Now I'm not sure how up front Metzger was about his career change from such lofty erotic epics as THE LICKERISH QUARTET to, well, basically documenting the dirty for real at this stage but he certainly threw in a cute inside joke when his simulated CAMILLE 2000 is seen playing on the couple's bedroom TV set and Billy bemoans how they're showing this "trash" rather the Garbo version !Production reflects the perfectionism Metzger has shown throughout his distinguished career with mainstream-worthy camera work by the reportedly pseudonymous "Robert Rochester", who adult actress Gloria Leonard insists is actually an Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker. Rita Davis, a minor starlet also in Shaun Costello's LOVE BUS and Carter Stevens' HOT OVEN, appears as Darby's socialite acquaintance dressed as a harem girl during the masked ball sequence, going down on bewhiskered waiter John Buco, C.J. Laing's cop lover from Costello's indelible WATERPOWER. The late Marc Stevens briefly appears as himself in a non-sex capacity and the always enthusiastic Helen Madigan plays the porn star guest on the radio show.On a practical note, this movie has been released on region O DVD by VCA, missing a substantial amount of mostly non-sexual footage. Far preferable is the Italian region 2 disc from Schendene, as LA STRANIERA NUDA, unfortunately saddled with irremovable subtitles, with soft but watchable image quality, at least sourced from a complete print supplied by the director.
风月片《青青青青青青草 91视频免费观看》在美国上市发行,私人手机影院整理了《青青青青青青草 91视频免费观看》电脑网页端在线观看、手机mp4免费观看、高清云播放等资源,如果你有更好更快的资源也可以推荐给私人手机影院。



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《青青青青青青草 91视频免费观看》是一部制作精良的美国风月片,无论是剧情,还是演员的演技,都表现得十分出色,堪称佳作。就连我都觉得这部电影没有配角。人人都有出彩之处,但不得不说,即使这个香港剧再牛逼, 看过后我也觉得很不舒服,脑袋也很痛。精致的背后我只感觉到矫情,还是他妈的矫情风月片里的故事只会发生在风月片里 一颗星!


卧槽居然看《青青青青青青草 91视频免费观看》看哭了,这才是真正的美国风月片的新希望,终于不是假空中的中国风,而是开始用神话寓言形成真正的小人物。背负原罪的出身,命中注定的死期,对存在的沉着和身份的动摇,指向《刺客聂隐娘》的核心:一个人,没有同类。 完整的世界观构筑,父子兄弟的友敌,所有的关系都处理的血肉完全不合适。美术剪辑音乐的动作设计,到处都是亮点,喜剧部分也不是疯狂卖傻,而是支持无数细节。海边夕阳踢羽和社稷图幻想仙境两个部分可以说是绝美的段落, 超越想象力和一流的制作实力的结合,值得一刷再刷。严格说是四星电影,希望加上五星狂热的鼓励!






很久没看过这么好的香港剧了!在《青青青青青青草 91视频免费观看》剧中,什么样的人做了什么事?下流的人在任何地方都能做下流的事。有心之人,多以善心为事。 甚至在那种运动中,每个人都有不同的表现:普通百姓默默无闻,跟风而行,大小先锋小将点着火锣、敲着炮台、放炮。有心人或隐忍唯诺或玉碎所以,活下来了就是这样的人:违心的隐忍,运动中御风驾雨,风雨消逝后又魔幻化成人形,闭着眼睛喊口号。 忍耐一直是中国人最伟大的传统美德。几个朝代都曾镇压过有胆量的有血有肉的人。我们并不保留陈胜吴广和康梁的基因。因此,在革命的时候,我们应该实行拿来主义。学习的对象是法国人,学习的内容是日本人,学习的内容是马克思。 由于今天在世的中国人都是顺民羊羔的后代。要做个好人,即使没有什么用处,也要靠自己这点善良做事。别跟着别人做什么,别人做什么。


我在台南,无聊至极,一天可以看几十部武侠小说。之后,我让他们帮我把最厚的小说租出去。事实上,以前的人,和我们现在的人,混在一起,真是相像。 《青青青青青青草 91视频免费观看》其他武侠书的名字都不记得,只记得这一本。该死,我还真想写一本小说,干嘛,给以后看就像我这样。来不及了,书还没有读够。






真是对《青青青青青青草 91视频免费观看》的期待太高,结果还是没能达到自己心中的期待。尽管该片中的角色多而不乱,多而不杂,细而不杂,但如果用一种更加强硬的方式,会不会给本片带来更强大的力量,然后带出更残酷、更鲜艳、更真实的一面?


由拉德利·梅茨格拍摄的风月片看起来很长,让人不敢随便拿出来看,但一旦认真地坐下来,看完之后,总会发现,在他的电影里,要么你看到的是过去熟悉而又逝去的岁月,要么你看到了未来的自己,要么你看到了正在发生的一切。 电影里,一切都在变,变化多端的女人和江湖哥们义气,但是你又总是在变中发现,其实一切都没有变。
